Activities for children and young people at Pinhoe Road

We are a church for people of all ages: adults, young people, and children. There are activities for under-18s on Sundays and during the week.

Primary Sunday School

Primary Sunday School provides for children aged 3 to 8 years of age, on Sunday mornings, during the 11am service. We continue to have fun exploring God’s Word with the children, and hope that each week they learn something new about God’s love and His Kingdom.

Encounter (Y9-Y13 ish)

The Encounter group meets during the Sunday service and provides a way to encourage faith, and fellowship in the wider church.


Toddlers is a group for babies to 4-year olds and their parents, grandparents and carers. We meet on Wednesday mornings 10-11:30am, term-time only. Donations of £1 per session per family are welcome.

We’ll have plenty of play, craft, singing and snacks!

Sunday Crèche

The crèche is well-equipped with a variety of toys and books that are suitable for 0-3 years and is a welcome environment for parents/carers, and their children, to come and feel part of the church during the Sunday morning service.

Ignite (Y4-Y13)

Ignite meets on Fridays 7-8:30pm in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We are not very structured in our activities, and the children enjoy having some decision over what happens in an evening. We have a range of activities, including games, hockey, crafts, pizza nights and more.

Xplore (Y4-Y8 ish)

Xplore meets during the Sunday Service and provides opportunities for children to develop their spirituality, to reflect, to question and to respond - making inroads into taking faith seriously.

Messy Church

Messy Church happens once a month on a Thursday from 4pm - 5.30pm. Children aged 11 years and under are welcome to come along for fun, crafts, and a buffet tea, along with a Bible story and other activities. All children must be accompanied by a parent/carer please!