Weekdays at Pinhoe Road

Church is not only about Sunday services. There are plenty of activities throughout the week for all people of all ages. A selection is shown below - why not join in?

Connect 18-30s

This is a group for 18-30 year olds to meet and socialise and share fellowship on Tuesday evenings. Social events are held regularly.

Coffee Haven

Join us for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. Everyone is welcome every Thursday from 10am onwards.


Crafts, toys, snacks and hot drinks for Toddlers and their carers. Every Wednesday during term-time from 10-11:30am. You can follow us on Facebook.


A meeting for ladies to share and pray, every Wednesday from 9:30am.

Men’s Group

A group for men who are connected to the Church who wish to meet for a shortish Bible Study plus tea, coffee, and a lot of fun and chat. Thursday at 10am.

Messy Church

Messy Church happens once a month on a Thursday from 4pm - 5.30pm. Children aged 11 years and under are welcome to come along for fun, crafts, and a buffet tea, along with a Bible story and other activities. All children must be accompanied by a parent/carer please!

Prayer Focus

Prayer is an essential part of our faith. Join us every Wednesday at 2pm as we meet to pray for local matters and those further afield.

Thursday Fellowship

Thursday Fellowship happens fortnightly on a Thursday at 2.30pm.

Ignite (Y4-Y13)

Ignite meets on Fridays 7-8:30pm in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The evening provides a safe space for children to come together, play games and enjoy a few sweets and laughter. We will have a short chat with a Christian focus every now and then but predominantly look to chat to children in smaller groups and meet them where they’re at.